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Razvoj vida u djece plakat (1).jpg

National Amblyopia Day - NaDA

On September 12th, 2021, the 6th National Amblyopia Day (NaDA) was marked. This year also marks the fourth anniversary of the National Register of Early Detection of Visual Impairment as the only such register in the world. This year marks the sixth anniversary of the Early Detection of Visually Impaired Program, but also the third year of implementing the program according to a new protocol by calling four-year-olds by sending invitation letters to their home address with the exact date and place of the preventive examination.

The National Program for Early Detection of Visually Impaired Vision is the youngest of the prevention programs (which also include: National Preventive Program for Early Detection of Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer and Colon Cancer, National Program for Prevention and Protection of Oral Health) With a response rate of just under 50% in the first year of implementation is also the program with the second best response (the National Preventive Program for Early Detection of Breast Cancer has a response rate of 65%, and has been in implementation for two decades). These results should be congratulated first of all to the parents who responded with their children to such an important call, and of course to all health professionals who contributed to the implementation of the Program. However, due to the current epidemiological situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the response of children to preventive screening has decreased.

Therefore, to mark the 6th National Day of Amblyopia, the Clinic for Ophthalmology of the Clinical Hospital Sveti Duh and the Reference Center for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, with the aim of raising awareness in the fight against low vision and promoting the United Nations vision resolution, provided promotional posters entitled Vision Development , Red Reflex Testing and NaDA - September 12, for all participants in the implementation of the National Preventive Program for Early Detection of Visually Impaired, in which participate: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, Commission for Implementation of the National Preventive Program detection of low vision, the Reference Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus and 142 ophthalmological teams from 72 health care institutions throughout Croatia that conduct preventive examinations for children over four years of age. The distribution of posters in all health care institutions with contracted pediatrics and ophthalmology was made possible by Hrvatska pošta d.d.

Additionally, in collaboration with the author Mr. Zvonimir Varošance and the children's choir "Zdravo maleni" in Šibenik, a music video for the song "Svijet u mojem oku" was recorded, which premiered on September 12 at 2 pm on the national music television CMC.

In accordance with the United Nations resolution "Vision for everyone" from July this year, we invite you to work together to achieve these universal, comprehensive, far-reaching and for the benefit of all mankind goals for sustainable development at the global level.

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